adding a line or two of text to this stats page to explain exactly what documentary evidence we have surviving for that county (e.g. we have very little royalist data for Essex, so we don’t want users to surmise that the lack of royalist data means there were no royalists in Essex)

Claimants resident in the county

ClaimantsNotes: Edit in admin config somewhere; appears on all county pages. The same for all counties

Optional free text box in page template; optional; different per page


Claimants resident in the county

ClaimantsNotes: Edit in admin config somewhere; appears on all county pages. The same for all counties

Optional free text box in page template; optional; different per page

Gratuities paid in the county


GratuitiesNotes: Edit in admin config somewhere; appears on all county pages. The same for all counties

Optional free text box in page template; optional; different per page

Pensions paid in the county


PensionsNotes: Edit in admin config somewhere; appears on all county pages. The same for all counties

Optional free text box in page template; optional; different per page

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